Case Study

The Incredible Egg

This project is the culmination of three campaigns I worked on with the American Egg Board and Energy BBDO realising captivating characters that embody different egg dishes from around the world.


It was important to keep the color grading consistent across the images of the campaigns. Therefore, I crafted a 3D LUT, that after thorough testing and tweaking, was applied to all of the images.

Breakdown of ‘Daredevil’ from Dinner Eggs campaign

Dinner Eggs

One of the campaigns in the series was titled “Dinner Eggs”. The concept was almost identical to the other campaigns, except this time the characters had to evoke of a feeling of a dinner setting. What made it challenging was that the characters were shot the same way as the others, and placing assets shot in front of a bright background into a dark setting can cause issues around the edges. I had to carefully mask out the characters, and for parts that were impossible to mask out (like hair, fur…etc.), I manually painted in the missing parts.

Breakdown of ‘Moses’ from Dinner Eggs campaign